Sunday, March 14, 2010


Been busy for the past two days, so my personal projects are sort of on the backburner. (loosing another hour of sleep wasn't any help, either) I keep an eye on my facebook page, but my neices, cousin's kids, and several friends are very active, and everyone and their Aunt Sally seem to be playing Farmville. So as an official curmudgeon, I felt obligated to include a cautionary link (first) and the next two reflect on China's hackers.

The next two are the food subsection.

A quick culture fix.

The remainder are politics from pretty much all sides, with some old business essays mixed in.

Here is my favorite journalism story of thee week. I'll give it to you by hand because I don't have any links yet. ABC was caught faking a newscast about Toyota. To illustrate a story about the deadly danger the car's accelerator posed to all human life on Earth, they pulled a Toyota into the studio, shorted the speedometer by hand, filmed the dashboard while the numbers were just spinning and blinking, pro-tools and a effects library provided the soundtrack and some file footage of a car wreck provided the blood. Asked to comment, "we did it to make our point clearer". I'm sure we'll see several stories about the need for freedom of the press in the coming weeks while the billable hours folk do their thing.

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