Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Again

View from Broadway

This week's this and that. One follows up the augmented reality idea from last week, listing some of the engineering problems. The Tom and Jerry cartoon refers to an older version, not the cat and mouse duo. As for the guitar museum, I hope some of the upstate N.Y.luthiers get some attention for their craft.The cell article seems an extention of using the sim card in your phone as a payment platform. They use it in some other countries,and recently did a test run here. We're assured all sorts of security measures will be in place, and the back doors will only open to authorized persons or politicians or security contractors or the guy down the street who's brother-in-law is a cop or that bright kid in Falls Creek with too much time on her hands.

Outside Lands has a cast on You Tube if you're not in the area. Grab a cuppa and see if the bandwidth you pay for delivers.

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