Monday, August 2, 2010

Not this week

One minor problem; some shortsighted and deluded populist might try to end the chickenhawk deferments. (law school, banking intern, business hero, politician's daughter, Disney star, etc.) We all know, if the productive occupations, farmer - engineer - nurse, stayed home and produced while the parasitic occupations, financial engineer - coercion consultant - pollster, were to have their butt shot at, our society would just break down. Who would negotiate with China for more loans? Who would reinterpret our Constitution for us? Who would explain why we need to invest more money to win? What would we po' unsupervised children do. America might become so déclassé that someone from the FFA could attend a class at Yale. That would be the final stake in the heart of our freedoms.
Via: Tywkidbi

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