Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sand in your Juristocracy

I found this picture on The PreSurfer. It doesn't have any background information attached, but I think it's another example of due diligence gone wild. If you can sue Google for your failure to look both ways when you cross a street, suing a landowner for sand in your flip-flops, because you weren't properly warned, shouldn't be too difficult. I'm told, by those in the know, that you may laugh/cry about the legal industry, but you'll be glad they're there when it's your turn. Quite true, but what's seldom mentioned is the need for a lawyer often stems from the juristocracy's own rules. Running a business, owning a home, or a death in the family can't be navagated without donating some protection money.

The joke goes like this: There was a small town with a single lawyer. She made a good living helping with wills, settling disputes, giving advice. Generally, she was a valued member of the community. One day, a second lawyer hung out his shingle just down the street.... The punch line? They both got rich.

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