Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Manly Marshmallow

This one is a bit out of the restaurant mainstream. I can't vouch for the recipe personally, (uhh...yeah, it tastes like chicken) so I'm working from instructions. My friend Geri has mentioned eating crickets, (they taste like crickets) but entomophagy remains theoretical among most of us. As you can see from the picture, some cultures have no such qualms. Under our current Wall Street management, grasshopper just might become the workingman's lobster. Stay tuned.

  1. Catch the little buggers. You were young once, you know how to do this.
  2. Pop the head off. The innards should come out of the body cavity along with the head. This also removes any parasites that may be along for the ride. Remove the large legs and wings. If you're squeamish, or the grasshopper is large, you can boil them first to make this process easier.
  3. Cook: You can wet them in a beaten egg mix, dust with corn meal, and sauté, or go straight to the deep-fat fryer. For those of you into drum circles or thumping your inner survivalist, you can insert a pointed stick into the body cavity and roast over a fire. (sort of a manly marshmallow) Serve with ranch dressing and a lemon wedge. (a toothpick and some parsley to clear the breath might be in order too)

Who can tell. I didn't like Brussels sprouts when I was a kid, and now.... Video

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