Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pico de Gallo

Rather than going into all the salsa (sauce) variations, or the different kinds of pico de gallo (roster's beak) I'm going to give you the basic tomato based mix that most Americans view as salsa.

Prep: Cube 3/2 lbs of ripe tomato. The size of the cut depends on what the salsa is being served with. Mince 1/2 cup red onion. Seed and mince 1 large jalapeƱo. Toss together and let drain in colander.
Before Service: Chop fresh cilantro with a sharp knife. Don't mince, mash or over-cut, leave some life in the herb. Juice two limes. Put everything together, then add salt and fresh pepper. STOP. You're done. Clean up, go on to your next job, or grab a smoke, that's all there is to it.

The key point here is the tomato. When you buy or receive them, let them sit out at room temperature until they ripen. The gas-stabilized half ripe red product you find at most store's tomato bin just won't do the job without some help.

A lot of recipes add additional bits to the basic mix, i.e. garlic, garlic powder, hot sauce, jicama, chilies of this or that sort, scallions, bits of orange, lemon or lime zest, sugar, and so on. My advice is if you're working for the house, use the house recipe. If you are the house, master the basic move of sourcing ripe tomatoes before you try a variation. Remember, when cooking for the public, some darn person, usually seated near you, will be 'lergic to at least one of your additions. (not that this has ever happened to me) When making it for yourself, have fun. (bits of orange are surprisingly good)

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